Specific energy:
529.3 W * h/kg
Specific energy:
529.3 W * h/kg
Specific energy:
128.7 W * h/kg
An important result can be the development of energy sources with fundamentally new characteristics that will multiply the time of continuous stay of unmanned aerial vehicles in the air – now it does not exceed an average of half an hour when using batteries.
Overcoming this barrier can allow the technology to enter new markets. We are talking, first of all, about robots and quadcopters, where the energy intensity of power sources is extremely important: the greater their energy intensity and less mass, the longer they will fly.
Contest areas are based on existing global challenges, opinions of scientific and industry experts, including international ones. The challenges are part of the “set of critical technologies” of the national technology initiative that will have a significant impact on the global economy in the near future.
The technological barriers are designed to be overcome not in the format of presentations and concepts, but on existing equipment.
National technology initiative.
– entrance to the territory of "Crocus city" after Volokolamsk highway, pointer "Crocus city".
– exit under the bridge in front of Volokolamsk highway, pointer "Crocus city".